What Is Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy combining hypnosis induction with counseling techniques developed by each hypnotherapist. Hypnotherapy accesses the subconscious to connect feelings and behavior. The client may discover old memories, new insights, unrecognized fears. or repressed emotions.
Is hypnotherapy “mainstream”?
Hypnosis, although often misunderstood, is increasingly being employed in mainstream medicine. “Hypnosis may sound like magic, but we are now producing evidence showing it can be significantly therapeutic,” says David Spiegel, a Stanford University psychologist. Hypnotherapy uses guided relaxation, intense concentration, and focused attention to achieve a heightened state of awareness, and in this state, a person may focus his or her attention — with the help of a trained therapist — on specific attitudes or beliefs.
Does one give up control in hypnosis?
You are in complete control at all times. The therapist makes suggestions, not commands. Being in a trance does not mean you are unconscious or asleep — your attention is under a layer of deep relaxation, but is still there and would be awakened by any suggestion that would be counter to your morals or modesty.
What conditions respond to hypnosis?
Any behavior which is a result of beliefs and attitudes (as almost ALL behaviors are) can be altered through hypnosis. A partial list includes:
- Financial Success
- Build Confidence and Self Esteem
- Asthma
- Releasing physical pain from the body
- Anger Release
- Past Lives
- Insomnia
- Addictions
- Stress
- Chronic pain
- Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
- Weight loss
- Eating disorders
- Stop Smoking
- Improve Relationships
- Stop Phobias
- Improve memory
- Change Eating Habits
- Change Patterns in your life
- Panic Attacks
- Job/Sales/Sports improvement
- Relieve Stress
- Reduce Test Fear
Who can be hypnotized?
Almost anyone of normal intelligence can be hypnotized if they so choose. People on some medications or people with neurological problems may be exceptions, but otherwise, those who claim they can’t be hypnotized are choosing not to be hypnotized. Research shows that hypnotizability is correlated with intelligence and concentration. Hypnosis is not an all-or-nothing phenomenon, and almost everyone can be hypnotized to some degree. Whatever the initial experience, the hypnotic state becomes more familiar and more easily reached with each session.
How does hypnotherapy work?
Basically, you are helped to relax to the point that your mind ceases to block access to your subconscious. Your therapist may guide you to remember an event that led to an initial reaction, help you to separate that memory from its learned behavior, and replace unhealthy behaviors with new, healthier ones. In other cases, the therapist suggests healthy attitudes to replace harmful ones, and the client’s beliefs and/or behaviors change as a result. There are several approaches to hypnotherapy, and all of them rely on inducing deep relaxation and access to the subconscious.
What is it like to be hypnotized?
As you follow the hypnotist’s suggestions to become relaxed, your blood pressure and heart rate become lower. Your thoughts are more focused on subtle changes in brain wave activity. In this pleasant state, you will feel totally at ease and comfortable yet mentally awake and aware.
How soon can one expect results?
When we work well together and depending on the behavior or belief being addressed, we often need just one session. However, many find that with the new changes they want to come back to solve issues or enrich their lives. Big issues can take longer, and many clients are amazed at the happiness and joy that comes back to their lives. Each person is different.
Marilyn is a Certified Master Practitioner of Hypnotherapy and a graduate of the American Pacific College in Hawaii. She has certificates as a Practitioner of Hypnotherapy, Master Practitioner of Hypnotherapy, NLP, Time Line Therapy, Advanced Hypnotherapy, and Clinical Hypnotherapy. Her classroom instruction was with Dr. Matthew B. James, M.A., PhD, Certified Master NLP trainer. She follows the Master Association for Integrative Psychology Training Standards guidelines.
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